Tools and injection moulding Germany / China
For You / Case Studies / Electronics Housing
Case Study
General project parameters
The order from an existing customer, who to date had mainly had prototype tools made by AsMoPLAST Deutschland, comprised a tool set of three injection moulding tools. Thanks to the dual system, AsMoPLAST came up with a manufacturing mix representing the optimum solution in Germany and China.
Two injection moulding tools were produced in China and one in Mould Construction at the Endingen injection moulding centre. Both precision adjustment and production of the first small batch took place at AsMoPLAST in the customer’s presence. This was followed by hand-over of injection moulding tools.
The regular customer whose internal moulding department was highly sceptical about producing the full range of injection moulding tools in China was entirely satisfied with the quality. The tools were immediately integrated into the production process without any difficulty.
Description - Injection moulding tools
- Making injection moulding tools in Germany and China.
- Direct gating via hot nozzle: 1x and 1+1x tools.
- Direct gating via cold runner: 2X tool.
- 1+1x tool with inclined sliders and complex parting with numerous sophisticated cores
- A MoldFlow analysis before the start of production ensured the filling of even particularly thin-walled sections.
- Tool despatch by air
Description - Injection moulded parts
- The injection moulded parts for a housing with inner workings to be used as a fibre glass connector were made with ABS plastic.
- A particular challenge with the injection moulded parts was the large number of dimensions - some of which some with very tight tolerances.
- This required close consultation with the customer on the testing concept.
- As a result, the injection moulded parts were measured at AsMoPLAST Deutschland on metering equipment with a CNC measuring machine.
- This permitted optimum repeatability.
Electrical engineering
Requirements profile:
Three tools for producing a housing with inner workings for a fibre glass connector
Production site - injection moulding tools:
China + Germany
Production site - injection moulded parts:
No. of cavities:
1x, 2xt, 1+1x
Weight - injection moulding tools:
150-350 kgs
Lead time:
8 weeks to FOT
Plastics used:
Components weight: