Prototype tools and samples
Moulding in China / Prototype tools China
Rapid Tooling China
Prototypes and samples from China
The possibilities? Almost unlimited. The prices? Outrageously good. The partner? Undoubtedly AsMoPLAST. We can produce everything at the production site in China - from straightforward to complex prototype tools and from simple samples up to attractive pre-series in the original plastic with all types of technical functions.
From AsMoPLAST you can expect luxurious combination of high-grade prototypes, low-cost production and short production times. If you need the first tool-compliant prototype tools and samples straight away, then we are your skilled expert in China.
We will be happy to consult with you on effectively implementing your requirements. The required precision in Rapid Tooling in China with an appropriately developed infrastructure is nothing new anymore. Our goals here: Reduction of your time-to-market, ensuring the highest possible security, rapid availability and efficiency.

Profile - Prototype tools from China

Rapid Tooling provides you with the chance of receiving metal moulding tools within the shortest possible time. They are ideal for manufacturing injection moulded parts in pre-series and small batches in the original plastic. We have created ideal requirements for this in China and have an exceptionally impressive business package on hand.
- The most varied of processes are available for prototype tool production.
- Optimized processes ensure that your prototype tools are rapidly produced and made ready for operations.
- We guarantee production of the tools.
- Thanks to high-grade technical equipment, you can carry out extensive, precision tests before the expensive injection moulding tools are produced.
- You profit from the enormous price benefits in manufacturing prototype tools from China.
- Optimizations and modifications can be rapidly and simply implemented
- Our prototype tools from China are ideal for manufacturing pilot batches, pre-series and small batches – for checking the optical characteristics, functionality and mechanical/technical requirements placed on your injection moulded parts.

Profile - Samples from China in the original plastic in Rapid Tooling

We also have an enormous potential in the production of injection moulded pre-series. For reasons of costs, it is recommended only obtaining samples from the People’ Republic of China in association with the production of prototype tools in China. Then you will find all the doors opening and practically everything can be manufactured. There is practically no limit on the scope for producing identical-series prototypes.
- There is hardly any material or plastic that we cannot provide for your samples.
- The extent to which your product can be series-manufactured and its feasibility is tested early on during the development phase and is, if necessary, optimized.
- Sophisticated technical and mechanical requirements are checked in detail.
- An important element of the samples is imaging complex part geometries.
- The samples reveal the excellent optical characteristics and, as such, the important optical requirements can be checked.
- Similarly, practically no limits are placed on the finishing of your samples: practically everything in China is low-priced and available very quickly.
- A check on functionality of complex components in association with other integral parts of the module clearly shows up any arrangement or design faults.
- Any dents on the plastic part are quickly detected.
- Thanks to the low-cost nature of module assembly in China, it is easy to try out the assembly with other parts.